COHESIVELY ENHANCING CAPACITY OF ASEAN COMMUNITY STATISTICAL SYSTEM TO BE MORE RESPONSIVE TO GREATER DATA NEEDS                                                                                                                                                                           CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF THE ASEAN COMMUNITY STATISTICAL SYSTEM

At the first session of the 19th Meeting of ACSS Sub-Committee on Planning and Coordination (SCPC19), which was conducted virtually on May 15, 2020, the General Statistics Office took the role of chairmanship and received the high consensus of ASEAN Member States (AMSs) on topics and decisions to prepare for the 10th Session of ASEAN Community Statistical System Committee (ACSS10) that would take place in October 2020. On June 26, 2020, GSO continued to organize the second online session of SCPC19 to discuss in detail and finalize the proposed contents. Mr. Pham Quang Vinh, Deputy Director General of GSO attended and delivered an opening speech. Attending the meeting were AMSs’ Members of ACSS Sub-Committee on Planning and Coordination (SCPC19) and the ASEAN Statistics Division (ASEANstats).


The Meeting took place in one morning, the delegates worked in a spirit of seriousness, urgency, focusing on 5 main contents: (1) The tentative agenda of ACSS10: Discussion on the draft agenda for ACSS10 in Viet Nam; (2) Theme for ACSS10 Joint Media Statement (JMS): Initial discussion on the theme for ACSS10 Joint Media Statement (JMS); (3) Implementation of M&E of KPIs of the ACSS Strategic Plan: Discussion on the updated progress of 10 KPIs (national) and 18 KPIs (regional) of ACSS M&E System, as of December 2019; (4) ACSS Strategic Plan: Discussion on the revised ACSS Strategic Plan as follow up SCPC19 Part 1 in May 2020; (5) Video-graphics and Infographics for ACSS10: Discussion on follow up on preparation of Video-graphics and Infographics for ACSS10 based on result of WGDSA meeting.