The Strategic Plan for the Establishment
of the ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) aims to create preconditions
for a sustainable development of ASEAN statistics. The first draft was presented
at the AHSOM internal meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam 8 December 2010. The meeting
noted some main issues to be considered during the finalisation of the
Strategic Plan, including the reporting line of the envisioned ACSS Committee,
the linkages with and roles of the concerned ASEAN bodies, and the need for
gaining concrete support from the statistical system of the AMSs and from the ASEAN
Secretariat top management. The Meeting in principle agreed with the proposed
outline, including the three proposed broad strategies, and asked the Task
Force on Strategic Planning to further work on the details for AHSOM’s
endorsement. The Meeting also endorsed the proposed process/timeline toward the
finalisation of the Strategic Plan by mid 2011. The Task Force further discussed
and amended the Action Plan for 2011-2015 and the formulations of vision,
mission and values.
The purpose of the strategic plan is to
create preconditions for sustainable development of ASEAN statistics in order
to better satisfy information needs concerning economic, social, ecological and
security situation in the region. The sustainability also means that data has to
be of high quality. They have thus to be timely, relevant, reliable, accessible
and comparable. Adherence to and application of internationally‐recommended statistical
principles, standards, and guidelines are also to be strengthened as specified
in the AFCS.
The vision is the guiding star for the
development. It shows the direction of the development of the ASEAN Community
Statistical System and what to be achieved. It is time‐referenced, and the first
vision is for statistical system in 2015.
Vision in 2015:
ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) will by 2015 be a forward looking
and reliable provider of relevant, timely and comparable statistics in support
of the ASEAN Community.
The mission statement expresses the
purpose and the nature of the ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS).
ASEAN Community Statistical System will provide relevant, timely and comparable
ASEAN statistics in support of evidence based policy and decision making and
enhance the statistical capacity of the Member States and ASEAN Secretariat.
In order to successfully work with the
tasks and achieve the vision it is important to develop common attitude among
all persons involved. The attitudes are also named values. These values are
embodied in the following characteristics:
to quality
The values are in line with the
Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics adopted by United Nations
Statistical Commission in 1994.
This Strategic Plan will address the
production, dissemination, and communication of ASEAN statistics, i.e. the
indicators and statistics in the ASI, including the enabling mechanisms defined
in the Broad Framework for the Development of ASEAN Statistics.
The strategies shall provide the
framework for the production, dissemination and communication of ASEAN
statistics, the main fields and the objectives of the actions envisaged for a
period not exceeding five years. It shall be decided upon and monitored by the
ACSS Committee.
The ASEAN strategies shall lay down
priorities concerning the needs for information for the purpose of carrying out
and monitoring of the activities of the Community. Those needs shall be weighed
against the resources needed at regional and national level to provide the
required statistics, and also against the response burden and the respondent's
associated costs.
Strengthening institutional framework
- Setting up an ASEAN Community
Statistical System (ACSS) for the production, dissemination and communication
of ASEAN statistics.
- ACSS Committee is the highest regional
policy‐making and coordinating body
on ASEAN statistics.
- ACSS Committee is to be developed to a
prominent high‐level
regional body of statistics, building on the existing AHSOM process, with the
main tasks of coordinating the regional efforts towards greater comparability
of statistics, promotion of international standards and best practices,
promotion of statistical capacity building and human resources, and coordinating
the collection of regional statistics in support of the ASEAN Community. Separate
Terms of Reference are developed for this body.
- The enabling mechanisms that are
needed for effective functioning of the ACSS Committee and the ASEAN Community
Statistical System will need to establish taking into account the existing
mechanisms, working groups and task forces under AHSOM, starting 2011. The enabling
mechanisms may include (1) mechanisms for promoting greater inter‐agency coordination at both
national and regional levels; (2) the mechanisms for promoting usersproducers consultations,
(3) mechanisms for supporting the decision making process at the ACSS
Committee, (4) mechanisms for the conduct of the ACSS Committee meetings, among
- Different monitoring systems would be
developed in order to monitor the establishment of the ASEAN Community
Statistical System (ACSS). They can be developed in stages covering two kinds
of monitoring: (1) monitoring of output and/or compliance similar to the
scorecard as used in the AEC pillar, and (2) monitoring of quality. A Key
Performance Indicator‐type
of tool is also to be considered.
The tools should be developed in two
dimensions: (1) measuring the activities and progress at national level, and
(2) measuring progress/activities at regional level.
Progress in the regular updating of the
ASEAN Brief and ASI are examples of regional monitoring.
Strengthening ASEAN statistics
- Priority is already given to the
development and harmonisation in four areas of regional statistics: National
Accounts, International Merchandise Trade (IMT), relevant components of International
Trade in Services (ITS), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). This development has to
- Broadening the coverage of ASEAN
regional statistics in order to cover demands within the three ASEAN
Communities (Pillars), as outlined in the Broad Framework.
- A new set of indicators has now to be
developed for the monitoring of the development within the three ASEAN
Communities (Pillars).
- Development and compilation of
metadata. Creation of metadatabases.
- Management of an integrated ASEAN
Statistics database. Development of databases for different statistics and
indicators. Completed backend for integrated database to support updating of
monthly statistics updates on the ASEANstats website. Eurotrace and REXDBS installed.
- Improved dissemination through the
website and other means.
- Development of high profile
statistical report with early warning system indicators upon clarification on
the purpose and content of the report.
- Development of policy and framework
for promoting dissemination and communication of statistics.
Narrowing the development gap
- Proactive coordination and
facilitation of technical support on some key statistics in AMSs that are
dependent on external assistance.
- All AMSs need assistance in various
forms. The areas to be covered in capacity building should fall under the Broad
framework. A gap analysis is needed for identifying the areas. Special capacity
building in AMSs which are in general need of external assistance.